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Our Mission Statement

Our alumni group hopes to enrich the curriculum and lives of the students from the South Shore community with grants for items not available in the school budget.

Our mission is supported by the $105,000 of donations contributed by former students of HORACE MANN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, now known as HORACE MANN ACADEMY, as well as by members of the South Shore community and other non-profit organizations and for-profit businesses who care about education.

Communicating with the principal and teachers at Horace Mann Academy, we target goals and needs for the teachers and students. Teachers can submit requests directly to HMAEF  or the teacher can post their project directly on to the DonorsChoose.org website (www.donorschoose.org). If sent directly to DonorsChoose, DonorsChoose will notify HMAEF of the new project request. If the request is approved by the Grants Committee, HMAEF will then make the purchase when DonorsChoose has a special matching event that helps pay 20%-44% of the teachers request.  This coordination helps us get more bang for our donated dollars and builds a stronger relationship with HMA administration to help them achieve goals they want.

Newest Information

Safe havens for support

Safe havens for support

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We Change Lives Forever

We Change Lives Forever

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Customized programs

Customized programs

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Some Facts

We Make a Difference in their Life


Leadership Team

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