How it works
Delivering Solutions For People in Need

Clean Clothes Campaign
Raising money for the purchase of a washer, dryer, and a year’s supply of detergent that will be located on school property.

Stay Warm Campaign
Raising money for the purchase of winter clothing such as coats, hats, gloves, winter shoes and boots, socks, and underwear.

Bus Field Trips Campaign
Raising money to pay for twenty buses to take students out on field trips during the school year. Each bus holds fifty students and costs about $325. There are 300 students currently enrolled at Horace Mann Academy.

Books for Classroom Libraries
Raising money for the purchase of Culturally Relevant books for children of all grades.
Become a “Book Fairy” to support the Horace Mann Academy students to help obtain the thousands of dollars in books needed at the school.

Ready to Learn
HMAEF wants to support school snacks, supplies, even clothes, backpacks, etc. to give the children the energy to focus on learning and to enjoy the rewards to attending school every day.

Physical Education Equipment
Raising money in the campaign to provide the PE program with a new supply equipment such as basketballs, volleyballs and nets, baseballs, softballs, bats, gloves, and any other equipment the physical ed teachers feel that they need now. You do remember those days, don’t you?? Become a “PE Donor” to give the students an opportunity to exercise with new equipment.

Arts and Music Appreciation Classes
As you are aware the Chicago Public School District has drastically cut back on its Art and Music Appreciation Curriculum in efforts to save money. HMAEF feels this is an important part of being a fully rounded student by participating in these arts programs. The school has a profoundly serious need for instructors, equipment and supplies to begin a process of re-introducing this important subject matter.
Please contribute to this incredibly special cause. Become an “ARTS PATRON” and give the students an opportunity to express themselves through music and art.
Please contribute to this incredibly special cause. Become an “ARTS PATRON” and give the students an opportunity to express themselves through music and art.

8th Grade Graduation Class Trip to New York City
Raising money to send 30+ graduating students for a trip to New York City for five days. Need to raise $3500 to enable this special event for the graduates.

Physical Education Equipment
Raising money in the campaign to provide the PE program with a new supply equipment such as basketballs, volleyballs and nets, baseballs, softballs, bats, gloves, and any other equipment the physical ed teachers feel that they need now. You do remember those days, don’t you?? Become a “PE Donor” to give the students an opportunity to exercise with new equipment.
HMAEF Appreciates the Below Individuals
- Adrienne Chernawsky
- Adrienne Eisenmann
- Alan Pearlman *
- Alia and Scott Greenfield
- Allan Kohn and Shelley Marshall
- Allan Werth
- Andi Sanes
- Andrea Eliscu
- Andrew Annacone *
- Ann and Marty Sanders *
- Annette Dluger (2x) *
- Arleen and Glenn La Vine
- Arlene Amstadter
- Arthur Friedson *
- Bambi Ware
- Barbara and Charles Gately (4x) *
- Barbara Berger *
- Barbara Garfien
- Barbara Peterson
- Barry and Bobbi Chudnow (3x)
- Beryl and Sander Greenberg *
- Bill Silverstein (3x) *
- Bill Truska *
- Bo Blinski
- Bob Tucker (2x) *
- Bonnie (Esserman) and Richard Gershenzon (3x) *
- Brad Stanek
- Brett Rustin
- Bruce Darin *
- Bruce Glickson
- Bruce Levine (10x) *
- Burton Litwin *
- Butch Harrison (3x) *
- Carol and Craig Levin (3x) *
- Carol Friedman
- Caryn and William Amster
- Charlotte McPherson (3x) *
- Chicago Cubs (C) *
- Chicago White Sox (C) *
- Christine and Paul Greenfield (4x) *
- Chuck Orloff *
- Constance Gadlin
- Daniel Derman
- David and Jean Sogin (2x) *
- David and Ruth Meyers
- David and Susan Axelrod
- David Robin *
- David Yalowitz and Kristen Krzyzewski
- Dean Hirschberg *
- Dianne Jones
- Donald Shapiro
- Eileen and Robert Wishner
- Eileen Langan
- Ellen and Alan Toban (2x) *
- Ellen Snell
- Ellyn and Richard Mayer
- Emily Axelrod
- Emmy and Allan Newdelman
- Eric and Alysa Fields (2x) *
- Francyne Kulp *
- Gail Fisher (3x) *
- Gail Regenbogen *
- Gail Seidman
- Gary and Marcia Freeland
- George Vizer
- Gloria Manus *
- Gordan Derman
- GTCR (C) *
- Harriet Winograd (3x) *
- Harry Cohn (2x)
- Helen and Michael Arkes (6x) *
- Helen Soloman (2x)
- Howard Swibel *
- Howie Derman (2x) *
- Howie Rosenstein *
- Ira and Jeri Moskowitz *
- Isabel Mann *
- Jack Bierig *
- Jana and Lee Newar *
- Jane Cooperman
- Janet Elson (2x) *
- Janice Alpert (3x) *
- Janis Levinson
- Jason Rosenthal *
- Jean Kosova
- Jeff and Judy Graff (6x) *
- Jenny and Thomas Marx *
- Jessica McCann *
- Joan Cahnmann-Hertshten
- Jodi and Dan Rubenstein *
- Joel and Steffi Bierig (2x)
- Joel Geiderman *
- Joey Kenig (2x)
- John and Marjorie James (3x)
- John Pengelly
- Josh Markowitz (2x) *
- Judy and Dan Farby *
- Judy Harrison *
- Judy Lewis
- Judy Opper *
- Judy Siegal
- Karen and Ed Tenner
- Karyn and Martin Graff *
- Kingdom Farms (C) / Kieren Moran *
- Laine and Tony Gogan *
- Larry and Nancy Burrows *
- Larry Swibel (2x) *
- Lauri Alpern *
- Laurie and David Shaw *
- Lennie and Renee Rothschild (2×0
- Leon and Cynthia Lome
- Leonard and Christina Nelson
- Leonard and Suzanne Cahnmann *
- Leslie Popelka
- Linda Orenstein Kantrowitz (2x)
- Lisa and Ben Stocken (3x) *
- Lonnie Stoller
- Loui Marver *
- Louise and John Privette
- Lynne Belsky
- Madeliene Jordache (2x)
- Maeta Kaplan
- Marc and Karen Liberman
- Marc Goldberg
- Marc Liberman (2x) *
- Marcia Balonick (4x)
- Marcia Kraut (4x) *
- Margaret Lewis *
- Maria Corrigan
- Marica Sloan *
- Marilyn Victor (2x) *
- Marjorie Getz (2x) *
- Mark and Nancy Beach
- Mark Goodman (2x)
- Mark Jesselson *
- Marlene Goldberg
- Martin and Sandi Goldman *
- Martin Novil *
- Marty and Laurie Goldberg
- Marvin and Rena Feinberg (2x) *
- Mary Ellen Ackerman *
- Mary Ellen Paprocki
- Maureen Rich
- Merle and Barry Levy *
- Michael and Shelley Markman *
- Michael Shapiro *
- Michael Silverman *
- Mira Neumann *
- Nancy Abzug *
- Nancy and Ralph Segall
- Neal and Gayle Katz
- Network for Good (C)
- Northern Trust Bank (C) *
- Pamela Witt *
- Penny and Seymour Turner *
- Peter Lobin
- Phillip Mitchell
- Phyllis Hollander *
- Ralph and Joan Miller (2x) *
- Ray and Carol Quisenberry
- Ray and Carol Quisenberry (2x)
- Renee and Jerry Cohen *
- Richard Barr
- Richard Block (3x) *
- Richard Notkin and Phoebe Toland (3x) *
- Richard Reeder
- Robyn Duenow
- Ronnie and Carol Jesselson (5x) *
- Ruth Fuerst
- Ruthie Meyers
- Ryan Nord (2x) *
- Sarah Appel
- Scott Racine *
- Selma Burley
- Selwyn and Sheila Schwartz *
- Sheila Medvin *
- Sherry Krawitz (2x) *
- Shirly Wise
- Steffi and Joel Bierig (2x) *
- Stephanie Smerling
- Steve and Nanci Fisher *
- Steve and Rosalie Abrams
- Stuart and Andrea Rich
- Sue Hochberger *
- Susan and Bruce Cohen (2x)
- Susan and Ronald Meyer (32x) *
- Susan Barr *
- Suze Orman
- Victoria and Neal Greenfield *
- William Tanenbaum *
x = Number of times an individual has donated to HMAEF.
* = Supported/attended the June 6th David Axelrod Event
C = Corporate Sponsor